Casual Friday: Paint Projects & Target Days

Taking the term ‘Casual Friday’ quite literally over here today, but really every day. Ha. Happy Friday! How was your week? This one was a doozy at our house between doctor and dental appointments (if you hang out with me on Instagram I shared about my inability to adult well in this area and needing an entire day to recover from the energy suck it seems to be – do you go through that too?), celebrating Brooks’ 5th birthday, and trying to find sleep where I can amid Dexcom failures. Mama is ready for the weekend, you know? Let’s dive into another edition of Casual Friday!

Paint Projects

I have an itch to redo a project. Have you ever painted something and then changed your mind? Well, the more I have looked at and planned around the antique desk that we restored for the girls’ room, I have wanted to change it. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the original green color we used for it. However, the more we have jumped into finding pieces for their room and falling in love with certain details, the more it has been clashing with the warmer tones we gravitate towards. 

So, I think I am going to run to our local Home Depot and check out a color that I have kind of fallen in love with and think would be perfect for this re-do.

Another edition of Casual Friday up on the blog! I am giving you a peek into a paint project I am tackling and sharing my favorite grabs from Target Days. Catch it all over on the blog at!

I know, it’s completely the opposite end of the spectrum from the original color. However, the more I see muted and dusty mauve done on furniture upcycles, interior walls, and even front doors I am seriously loving it. And I think it will be such a better fit for the way the girls bedroom has been coming along. Here are just two sources of inspiration for this one:

Another edition of Casual Friday up on the blog! I am giving you a peek into a paint project I am tackling and sharing my favorite grabs from Target Days. Catch it all over on the blog at!

(Photo credit: The Coastal Oak)

Another edition of Casual Friday up on the blog! I am giving you a peek into a paint project I am tackling and sharing my favorite grabs from Target Days. Catch it all over on the blog at!

(Photo credit: Unknown)

What do you think? Have you ever used mauve in a project? I of course will give you peeks into the project along the way. 

Alongside that, a toxic trait of mine is the need to tackle huge projects in a very small timeframe. My mother is coming back to Nashville in one week and you know what? THE ENTIRE HOUSE NEEDS A FRESH COAT OF PAINT. Living with me must be so hard and I don’t know how the Bearded Gent handles it. Another paint project to add to the list apparently.

Friday Faves

Currently happening right now is the ‘Target Days’ sale. Think of it like a pre-Black Friday sale, but the only reason I shopped it at all is to score some of our favorite softies at a great price. I have talked about the Universal Thread joggers I picked up weeks ago. And if you’ve been around you know my love for Goodfellow sweatshirts. They are all on sale for only $15! I snagged several of each and a few other things for cubs and myself. I know you will love them too! Especially if you like just the right amount of casual options for cozy fall days spent at home!

Another edition of Casual Friday up on the blog! I am giving you a peek into a paint project I am tackling and sharing my favorite grabs from Target Days. Catch it all over on the blog at!

Another Friday night under the lights and cheering on our favorite quarterback! And the rest of this weekend will be spent with a paintbrush in hand – wink!

Any fun plans for the weekend? Wishing you a wonderful one!!

Another edition of Casual Friday up on the blog! I am giving you a peek into a paint project I am tackling and sharing my favorite grabs from Target Days. Catch it all over on the blog at!

October 7, 2022


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