My Dearest Blair,
Today we celebrated you turning two years old and I find myself desperately trying to hang on. It seemed that once you started walking shortly after your first birthday, you have decided to grow up quicker than I would like. And learning to climb out of your crib the night before your birthday today seemed pretty fitting. The most stealthy ninja moves I have witnessed on a pint sized human.
Blair, it has been such a joy to watch you this past year as you are showing us more and more the person you are growing up to be. You hold more personality in one of your pinkies then some people do in their entire body and your excitement over all things girly is something brand new too us. I watch you in awe as you develop confidence in everything that you do and your headstrong tendencies, while amazing to see, may be the death of me when you are a teenager. Just remember to go easy on Dad and I sometimes. This parenting stuff doesn’t always come with text book answers and at this point in time I find myself exhausted by the end of each day.
You are a beautiful little lady with a sparkle in your eye that leads me to believe you are meant for some amazing things in life. Always remember that you are loved beyond measure and you are part of a family who will be there throughout everything with you and cheering you on along the way.
Blair, you are the sweetest note to the end of a season in my life as a mother and it has surprised me how hard it has been to accept. To know there won’t be another little one following behind you. However, you have made it such a special transition and I am so excited to watch you follow behind your brothers and sisters learning all that you are while I run to keep up. And running behind you to keep up gives me the sweetest view to all of the greatest moments of your life.
I can’t wait to see more. Happy Birthday, my sweet Blair.
With every piece of me and more,
June 6, 2015