My dearest Owen,
Another year. Watching you today I couldn’t fathom that the past seven years have gone by as fast as they have. It seems like it was just days ago that you came into the world on a quiet Saturday afternoon. I still remember the sun streaming through the hospital window and you coming as quiet and relaxed as you could be – not a sound aside from a very faint wimper. The doctor showed us the true knot in your umbilical cord – something I had never seen or experienced before. It didn’t surprise me that you managed to make it happen with how active you were while I carried you nor did it surprise me that it had any effect on you. You are tough as nails, my son. And I will forever be grateful that you arrived healthy and to this day, you still haven’t stopped moving.
Owen, you have such a strong and sweet spirit. You and I have a bond as middle children and I try my hardest every day to make sure you do not feel overshadowed by your other siblings. This is quite the task given your calm demeanor and laid back attitude which, as your mother, I am so incredibly grateful for and want you to know what a gift it is. You are a boy of few words, mature beyond your years in that way.
Remember to always stand up for what is right and for yourself. Remember to always show kindness and compassion above all else and remember that you are a unique and beautiful soul and I am honored to be your mother.
Happy birthday, my sweet Wolfie.
With every piece of me,
(Take a look back at Owen’s 6th birthday, 5th birthday, 4th birthday and 3rd birthday)
November 25, 2018