My dearest Blair,
These past four years have flown by and I find myself standing here watching you celebrate another birthday while trying to catch my breath. It has been a true joy and honor to watch you grow into the little young lady that you are. You are sugar and spice and your father and I are constantly in awe at the amount of personality that is packed into your tiny being. We love seeing you light up at learning new things, know and understand the inside jokes between you, your brothers and sisters and the dance moves that you show up with when a good beat comes on are truly one of a kind.
Blair, there are times that my patience wears thin and I raise my voice to you and your siblings. You have a habit of quietly coming to me later and you ask, “Mom… are you happy now?”. Blair, always know that despite my lack of patience at times or when my temper gets away from me there is not a day goes by that I am not happy. Blissfully happy. To have the honor of being your mother to you and your brothers and sister is one that I am so undeserving of, but one that makes me the luckiest woman in the world.
Blair, you have the capacity to love big. You have the spirit to effect others. Always remember to use this energy for the good and positive. Be a friend to everyone you meet throughout your life, remember to speak kindly and never feel like you have to make yourself smaller to make others feel bigger. You are meant for amazing things, I’m sure of it. Never dim your light, my darling. Because it is beautiful and all those who have the opportunity to know you will be drawn to it.
We love you so very much, Blair. Never forget that.
With all of me and more…
(Take a look back at Blair’s 3rd birthday, 2nd birthday and 1st birthday)
June 6, 2017