My dearest Blake,
Eight years ago today I held you in my arms for the first time and you took my breath away. A beautiful baby girl who I was, to be honest, terrified of. You see, I grew up being best friends with my father. Your Grandpa Jack. I preferred garage time and car grease over playing with baby dolls. I threw the baseball as well as the other boys at school and I picked jeans and flip flops over skirts and kitten heels. Don’t get me wrong. I have a feminine side, but I can shoot hoops just as well as I can don a pair of heels for date night. I wasn’t sure if I would relate to you as my daughter. It was uncharted territory and I was terrified.
And who would have thought that you would be a miniature version of myself. A girl after my own heart. My ride or die. A girl who prefers clothes she can get dirty in, shoes she can run in and hair she can toss up in a messy bun to get it out of the way. You are more sensitive than I was and am which is a beautiful strength and you have one of the sweetest hearts I have ever known. And to see you blossoming artistically makes my heart soar. Absolutely and forever my ‘mini me’.
Blake, as you get older I want you to always remember one thing. I want you to remember that you are an extremely gifted and unique individual. You are an artist from the outside to the deepest parts of you. It’s not always the easiest way to be, but you will eventually learn that it is an incredible strength. You love hard, you feel things intensely and you see things differently. Despite the people that may come into your life and not understand you, I never want you to hide this gift. Because Blake, it really and truly is a gift. The world is a better place with it and you in it. And when you feel like there is no one that understands you, always remember that I do. I see you and there will never be the right words to describe how honored I am to be your mother and walk this life with you. My sweet Blake, you are beautiful and extraordinary in every possible way.
Always remember that your father and I love you. We are so proud to call you ours and cannot wait to see what you do in this life. Happy Birthday, my beautiful Blake.
With every part of me and more,
June 19, 2016