Simple Homeschool Supply Organization Tips & Ideas

Educating in the home doesn't have to be complicated. And you absolutely don't need a lot of space to do it well. I am sharing with you some simple homeschool supply organization and how we handle it in my home along with a few tips and ideas for yours! Catch it all on

If I’m being honest, I had certain assumptions about home education before we actually made the leap five years ago. The visual of a makeshift classroom filled to the brim with books, curriculum, and craft supplies would fill my mind. It’s funny how much you unlearn when you actually find yourself wading into the homeschool waters. You really can make it as complicated or as simple as you want – from curriculum to even the schedule you maintain. And if you know me at all, you know that I prefer simplicity. But when it comes to that makeshift classroom and all of those supplies? Well, I thought I would share with you my simple homeschool supply organization along with a few tips and ideas that I hope inspire you in your home – whether you home-educate or not!

Educating in the home doesn't have to be complicated. And you absolutely don't need a lot of space to do it well. I am sharing with you some simple homeschool supply organization and how we handle it in my home along with a few tips and ideas for yours! Catch it all on

This white armoire is an extremely old piece from IKEA. We have had it for literal years and it’s still kicking. I have my eye on a few others for when we are no longer renting, but for now, this one is getting the job done in the small area I have at the end of the hallway. I was unable to find the same one on their site, but I did link a few other beautiful white armoires at different price points for you at the end of the post.

Whether it’s a bookshelf, an armoire, or a built-in, I think it is a great way to achieve some simple homeschool supply organization in a beautiful and aesthetic way within the home.

Tip No.01: Use decorative baskets to group like things together

I like to reduce as much visual clutter as possible. Utilizing decorative baskets to make things more aesthetic while also keeping everything organized? That is my love language. I found these ones from Target. They are a great size and I love the added detail of the leather handles. 

In these baskets, I gathered all of our smaller learning tools such as flashcards, Bananagrams, and abacus in one. And in the other, I placed all of the activity-based options I like to have on hand for Brooks. Things that help him stay busy if I am working with older cubs on their own studies.

And don’t worry, you can find all of my favorite educational supplies and games over on my Amazon storefront right here.

Educating in the home doesn't have to be complicated. And you absolutely don't need a lot of space to do it well. I am sharing with you some simple homeschool supply organization and how we handle it in my home along with a few tips and ideas for yours! Catch it all on

Tip No.02: Make things easily accessible for little ones

I also like to make sure that things are easily accessible. These baskets work great at the bottom and it’s the perfect way for Brooks to reach for things on his own without needing help. It also allows him to put things back easily and independently. 

Educating in the home doesn't have to be complicated. And you absolutely don't need a lot of space to do it well. I am sharing with you some simple homeschool supply organization and how we handle it in my home along with a few tips and ideas for yours! Catch it all on

Tip No.03: Get rid of the clutter of packages and boxes

One really easy approach to reducing clutter and visual eyesores when it comes to kids’ supplies is to remove everything from their original packaging. You can use caddies like the ones I have or you can even use glass canisters. I absolutely love these wood caddies I found at TJ Maxx a few years ago, but I linked some other really great options for you at the end of the post.

Educating in the home doesn't have to be complicated. And you absolutely don't need a lot of space to do it well. I am sharing with you some simple homeschool supply organization and how we handle it in my home along with a few tips and ideas for yours! Catch it all on Educating in the home doesn't have to be complicated. And you absolutely don't need a lot of space to do it well. I am sharing with you some simple homeschool supply organization and how we handle it in my home along with a few tips and ideas for yours! Catch it all on

Tip No.04: Add decorative touches that make it joyful

I value a more neutral approach when it comes to my home. It helps it to feel more calm and relaxed. And I love finding ways to incorporate some unexpected and even whimsical touches here and there when it comes to kids’ spaces. Beautiful books can be used as decor and I love the added whimsy from this terracotta pig bookend – a decorative touch the kids chose!

Educating in the home doesn't have to be complicated. And you absolutely don't need a lot of space to do it well. I am sharing with you some simple homeschool supply organization and how we handle it in my home along with a few tips and ideas for yours! Catch it all on

Educating in the home doesn't have to be complicated. And you absolutely don't need a lot of space to do it well. I am sharing with you some simple homeschool supply organization and how we handle it in my home along with a few tips and ideas for yours! Catch it all on

And a touch of fall with this wheat wreath I grabbed last season from the Hearth & Hand line at Target. Yes, already decorating for fall in a big way. Did you grab my holiday planner? Because if you know you know!

Educating in the home doesn't have to be complicated. And you absolutely don't need a lot of space to do it well. I am sharing with you some simple homeschool supply organization and how we handle it in my home along with a few tips and ideas for yours! Catch it all on in the home doesn't have to be complicated. And you absolutely don't need a lot of space to do it well. I am sharing with you some simple homeschool supply organization and how we handle it in my home along with a few tips and ideas for yours! Catch it all on

And in that bottom drawer, we stored things like Brooks’ Osmo supplies, puzzles, and more. It definitely became a sweet and simple little spot where the younger kids reach for anything they need throughout the day. As I mentioned, even if you don’t homeschool, this is a great approach to reduce the clutter and simplify the areas of your home where you store supplies for things like crafts, art, and more.



Just some simple homeschool supply organization from my home to yours! I hope you found the tips and ideas helpful and I hope it inspires you in your own space as well. How is the start of your school year going?

September 5, 2023


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