“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.” – T.S. Elliot


I know how easy it can be to belittle the notion of New Year’s resolutions. Such a silly thought to think that just because it happens to be the first day of a new month in a brand new year we can reinvent ourselves and our lives. We have 365 days each year to begin anew, but yet there is so much poured into changing ourselves and our lives simply because it is January 1st. However, I choose to find it beautifully poetic that we can simply say goodbye to the past year and hello to a new one with fresh values, ideals and goals. There is something wonderful about an entire brand new year ahead to write a different story. Or perhaps a better one. I know that I am the same person standing here today with the same problems and stress that I was yesterday on the 31st, but I am going to choose to embrace the idea of wiping the slate clean. Of bettering myself and making the next 365 days wonderful.

This past year was filled with little sleep, too many expectations, heartache, anger, disappointment, bitterness, exhaustion, self-criticizing and so much more that I am happy to leave behind me, but it was also a year of many beautiful moments I shared with those closest to me, milestones for each of my amazing children and another year hand in hand with my best friend. Goodbye, 2015.

 Hello 2016 #HappyNewYear
Well, hello 2016.

It’s been said that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them than the ones who don’t. Telling a friend increases this rate to 78%. If you are reading this right now, I consider you a friend and I am going to bare my soul for a moment while I publicly list my goals for the New Year. As trivial as some of them may sound and as intense and vulnerable as some of them may be, I am embracing the transparency and putting it all out there. I’m at the top of the proverbial mountain, shouting it to the universe.


Self-care before anything else.

More faith, less worry.

Have a great adventure(s).

More positivity.

Bi-weekly date nights and more alone time with my husband.

Get my flexibility and strength back.

Create just for the sake of creating.

Run a half marathon.

Sleep more.

Connect with people  /  Face-to-face time

Blog six days a week.

Purchase a new car.

Complete all of our family albums up to current date.

Do not drink any Red Bull.

Create one new YouTube video per month.

Start each day with a positive email, note, text or phone call to one person.

Attend at least two industry conferences.

Be more accepting of people.

Collaborate with three favorite creatives  /  brands.

Outsource more of my business.

Have social media free Sundays.

Build the KL&Co. shop (like, a lot).

Do not start work until 9:00 AM every day.

Want to and actually enjoy getting dressed every day (fresh wardrobe!).

Conquer Pinterest and how to use it properly for business.

Shop locally more often.

Make it to church every Sunday (no work!)

Read one book per month.

Smile and laugh every day.


I have stared at this list for several days and before I change or add anything else, I’m saying “done”. I’m sure there could have been so much more and in my heart I’m sure there is, but these are the things that were on my mind the most and seem fitting for this time in my life. And because I am a visual person, of course there is a Pinterest board to go along with this if you care to take a peek. I truly value visual goal setting and I think it makes a huge difference. These images are stored on my phone for me to view while waiting in line at the grocery store or while at the doctor’s office – random times to refresh my excitement and determination to make all of these things happen.

And of course, I’m feeling a tad vulnerable so if you feel like sharing one….. or two…. ok, ALL of your New Year’s resolutions I wouldn’t hate it 😉

Lastly, if you are new here, please be sure and subscribe here to be added to my email list. I have big ideas, plans and things already created for 2016 and I am dying to share them with you. I’m not in your inbox a lot, but when I am, I promise it will be something great!

Cheers to a new year, friends, and making things happen!

Hello 2016 #HappyNewYear

January 1, 2016


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