Mother’s Day 2016


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I have never been farther than the edge of the West and East Coast. I’m not one for travel and being the homebody that I am, traveling outside of my comfort zone is not something I am very much interested in. Some people might think that I haven’t taken advantage of what is out there in the world. That maybe I haven’t really lived. They must not be a mother…

These four tiny humans are the greatest adventure I could have ever experienced for myself. Motherhood has been my story and one that has proved time and time again, I will never know what the next chapter holds, but oh how sweet the journey is. I have been turned inside out in the most beautiful and difficult ways I could have ever imagined and through it all I have found myself in motherhood. It has grounded and humbled me and I hope, that at the end of it and no matter how many mistakes I have made, the my children can look back and know without a shadow of a doubt that I loved them with every fiber of my being and that I was there for it all. Because there is no other place on Earth that I would rather be.

To my own mother – thank you for your sacrifices, your strength and your faith. I would have been lost without them.

And to all of you other mothers out there, you are beautiful and doing beautiful things and I thank you for inspiring me always.

Happy Mother’s Day 2016.

Happy Mother's Day 2016 |


May 8, 2016


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