My Dearest Little Ones,
This year I will have four pieces of me walking out and amongst the world, away from me and away from home. And while I would love nothing more than to keep you all under my wings, tucked away safe and sound, I also know how many wonderful experiences you will have, friends you will meet and things you will learn. As you walk the halls and spend everyday with your peers, remember to be loving. Remember to include others and let no one ever sit by themselves. Remember to be the first to smile or extended a hug to someone who needs it. Remember to be a gentleman and a lady, to open doors and say “please” and “thank you”.
Remember to be leaders and examples. Remember that you have each other – be there and support one another in every situation. Remember to speak kindly and excuse yourself from gossip. Remember to work hard, be brave and enjoy every moment of it because these will be memories that you look back on and smile as you watch your own little ones walk the same path in the future.
Remember that you are incredibly special and unique individuals. Never let anyone tell you any different. Don’t mind what others think because it has nothing to do with you and always, always be exactly who you are. Because you are so beautifully perfect just as you are.
And always remember that your father and I love you very much and count the minutes every day until you are back home with us. P.S. And remember to peek into your little sister’s class anytime you can. Your mama’s heart needs the comfort.
Opening up their annual back-to-school gifts the night before the big day.
Tanner is in 7th grade this year, a member of NJHS, a member of choir and is planning on going out for football and cross country.
Blake is in 5th grade, a member of the 5th grade choir, can’t wait for cross country to start and is developing more and more of her artistic talents daily.
Owen is in first grade, suddenly so much older and got the best teacher that he is so excited to get to know. He will also be on the cross country team with his big brother and sister and is so excited to show everyone that he is able to keep up.
And our little Miss Blair. It seems that she has grown into a little lady overnight. She will have the same wonderful teacher her brother enjoyed last year and is so excited to finally get to go to school like her older siblings.
He grew up so much from Kindergarten to this year and it has been so fun for him to be reading and writing and all the big kid things.
This time around was a tough one for me, but I couldn’t have been prouder when she boldly walked right over, got in line, walked in the door and never looked back. So confident and like she has been doing it all along.
My whole body relaxed once it reached the end of the day and they were all back at home. Seeing their faces light up as they told us about their days and knowing that everything went smoothly was the best thing I could have asked for!
August 15, 2018